Welcome to the H.O.P.E. Program


Given the requirements in United States real estate, it’s a hard climb for anyone to get to the point where they can own a home — zero down, maybe, with low interest! For many, it’s pretty impossible.

The H.O.P.E. Program, However, Makes the Impossible…Probable!

H.O.P.E. stands for Home Ownership is Possible with Education. Since there are no quick fixes or schemes in this market, we go the best way possible: through education, and leading many to the resources they need to get where they need to be: American home ownership.

And it’s no pipe dream! The H.O.P.E. Program has helped well over 13K individuals sign for their mortgage loan, even with zero down. And it takes these few steps through the H.O.P.E. Program, with our free enrollment.

That’s right: it’s free.

*The H.O.P.E. Program is not a lender, nor has any access to home loans.

Learn more right now. And sign up! You’ll be on the road to home ownership when you do.

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The H.O.P.E. Program Gets You Into That Home By These Two Important Steps

Think about the value of getting your profile and prospect for home loan approval up to a point where lenders start breaking your door down (versus the other way around)…. It’s great for the market, it’s great for the lender — and it’s obviously great for you!

It has to be done with the quality education, instruction, collaboration, and the building of your key resources to ensure a lender approves you.

The First Step: the Credit-Ready Program

It’s the number one thing you have to focus on first. Lenders will look at your credit. We help you get to the point where a lender will view your credit and see you as a winner for a home loan by the resources we have, to eliminate all the negative items on your report thanks to the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970.

We Also Accomplish That by Adding Positive Trade Lines to Your Report

Many don’t realize this: but having a credit card, or any account for that matter, boosts your score! Others don’t realize that if you’re a home renter, your rent payments actually improve your score if reporting them to the credit bureaus. We do that via the Phoenix Program’s Sub-Prime Credit Store, the e-Commerce Card, Cloud-Based Personal Loans, and the Beverly Tails Pet Store credit lines.

And, Lastly, Not Every Lender’s the Same: That’s Where Step 2 Comes in With the Lender-Ready Program

It’s like shopping at the mall. Prices are different. People are different. Requirements are different. You can jump right in and consult with many lenders, realtors, brokers, what have you, and not know how the process works…. Or you can enroll with us and get access to all of our pre-approved lenders who will know you’re ready to own and qualified to own.

This program sets you up with six steps:

  • Down Payment Assistance Research and Enrollment
  • Tax Planning Appointment to Get Your Finances Prepared for Lender Review
  • Budget Planning Appointment to Clean Up Your Finances and Make Sure You’re Easily Approved
  • You’ll Also Receive Training Videos — “What’s in a House Payment?”, “What Do Lenders Look For?”, and “The 45-Day Home Closing Process”
  • You’ll Be Assigned a Local Lender for Review of Home Loan Approval
  • And Lastly, You’ll Be Assigned a Local Real Estate Agent That Will Cost You NOTHING

Think turnkey. Ready to go. You’re lined up for a home even before the inspection, before the showing. You’re in the home even before you’re in the home, either by getting you to that 640 score via the Credit-Ready Program or set up with training and assignment to get you prepared for the lender process in the Lender-Ready Program.

Once again, keep in mind: we take care of all this for you. Just follow the steps. That’s the essence of the H.O.P.E. Program.

What are you waiting for? SIGN UP RIGHT NOW!